Image&Video data processing

Artboard 17

Face Recognition

Allows employees of intelligence and law enforcement agencies to quickly identify/verify a required individual in an array of video and/or graphic files for further processing or narrowing down the search for a specific person.

● Local offline solution (installed on the user's premises, no need for an internet connection).
● Scalability depending on the volume of input graphic data.
● Can be used as a standalone application or integrated into the customer's existing system.
● Facial analysis from video, images, and sketches.
● Finding the necessary person among an array of video files to narrow down the search.
● Registering facial images from video for further processing and analysis.Quick comparison of obtained images with existing databases.
● Sorting, moving, viewing, and filtering lists of selected matches.
● Enhancing image quality and comparing it with the source frame.
● Flexible management of additional data.

Object detection

Enables quick processing of large volumes of digital images (photos, videos, multimedia data) and stores data about objects of various types (people, vehicles, animals, weapons, locations, etc.) for further analysis by other modules.

● Processing of photos (JPG, BMP, etc.) and videos (MP4, AVI, MPEG, etc.).
● Video frame extraction (selecting specific files where specified objects are detected).
● Image preprocessing (resizing, brightness normalization, gray-scale conversion).
● Saving audio tracks as separate WAV files for further processing by other modules (speaker identification, transcription, etc.).

The user needs to define a list of objects for detection. The AI (Artificial Intelligence) prepares the corresponding parameters and trains the neural network. During operation, the AI processes images, automatically creates a set of graphic frames, and stores information about detected objects in metadata format.

Audio Data processing

Language identification

The solution is used by intelligence and law enforcement agencies for real-time processing of large volumes of audio data obtained from various sources (COMINT, OSINT, HUMINT, etc.) with the purpose of their primary filtering based on the specific language.
Subsequently, the obtained results can be directed for speaker identification and transcription of their speech.

● Flexible adaptation to customer requirements.
● Recognition of 26 languages and dialects in the standard package.
● Customization of language models for identifying other languages (retraining).
● Fast processing of a large volume of audio data.
● Scalability depending on the volume of input audio data.
● Automatic and interactive modes of operation (with operator involvement).
● Integration with third-party solutions.

Gender identification

The solution is used by intelligence and law enforcement agencies for real-time processing of large volumes of audio data obtained from various sources (COMINT, OSINT, HUMINT, etc.) with the purpose of filtering the data based on the gender of the speaker. Typically, this functionality is part of a voice-based person identification solution. However, if necessary, it can also be used as a standalone module.

● Gender identification.
● Language origin assessment (synthetic or natural).
● Fast processing of a large volume of audio data.
● Scalability depending on the volume of input audio data.
● Automatic and interactive modes of operation (with operator involvement).
● Integration with third-party solutions.

Speaker identification

The technology is based on machine analysis of unique human voice features and is capable of verifying (checking) or identifying (determining) a specific person among an array of audio files or in a data stream based on voice samples.
In practice, this functionality is used for automatic processing of large volumes of audio data obtained from various sources. This technology allows for quickly selecting from millions of audio files only those containing conversations of individuals of interest and, if necessary, linking the obtained results with additional informational resources to gather comprehensive data about a specific person.

● Fast simultaneous processing of large volumes of audio data.
● Speaker diarization (separation of speakers).
● Gender identification.
● Configurability to enhance data accuracy.
● Language independence (identifies/verifies a person solely based on their individual voice biometric features) and audio channel independence (fixed-line, mobile communication, VoIP, etc.).
● Scalability depending on the volume of input audio data.
● Automatic and interactive modes of operation (with operator involvement).
● Integration with third-party solutions.
● Flexible adaptation to customer requirements.

Speech to Text

Transcription is actively used by radio reconnaissance units and law enforcement agencies for machine processing of large volumes of audio data obtained from various sources (OSINT, COMINT, HUMINT, etc.). The generated text files are stored in a database or on the local disk for further interactive editing and report preparation.

● Fast and accurate transcription of large volumes of audio data (up to 85% accuracy).
● Ability to improve transcription by creating custom extension models (adding specific words or entire phrases - custom names, jargon, slang, profanity, etc.).
● Adaptive intensity of speech transcription:
● Slow (1x - maximum accuracy speed).
● Fast (3x - optimal balance of speed and accuracy).
● Very fast (10x - maximum speed).
● Speaker diarization (separation of speakers).
● Convenient format of summary document for further data handling.
● Scalability of the system based on the volume of audio data.
● Flexible adaptation of the system to customer requirements and integration with third-party solutions.

Text data processing


Keyword spotting

Fast processing of large volumes of text files. Search and selection based on specified criteria (categories, topics) for target text or audio files. The search based on criteria and templates is performed in files with the .txt extension (UTF8 encoding). All input files (archives, email protocols, text files of other formats) are automatically checked and, if necessary, converted. The functionality offers a cascading method of organizing search criteria - words/templates can be grouped into categories, and these, in turn, form topics. Therefore, if any of the specified criteria are found in a text file, that file will be associated with the corresponding category and topic. The selected target files can then be further filtered by the operator, and the search results (found criteria, number of matches, positions of key words, etc.) are stored as metadata.

● Filtering and selection of files containing specified words or phrases.
● Scalability of performance based on the volume of input audio data.
● Ability to create an unlimited number of search criteria.
● Extremely high data processing speed.
● Integration with third-party solutions.
● Flexible adaptation to customer requirements.

Machine translation

Allows for the quick translation of large volumes of text files obtained from various sources (OSINT, COMINT, HUMINT) into the target language. The translation accuracy depends on the training level of the neural network for the chosen language package. The machine translation module also enables searching for required data based on different criteria and provides additional analytical information in the summary file.

The machine translation module incorporates state-of-the-art advancements in neural network training, ensuring high translation accuracy through semantic and morphological analysis of the original text. The latest generation of machine translation technologies comprehensively processes textual content and achieves more precise translations compared to previous generations relying on statistical algorithms.

The machine translation module is also used in conjunction with language identification, speech transcription, and image-to-text conversion functionalities.

● Fast and highly accurate translation of large volumes of textual data.
● Identification and translation of over 110 languages from around the world.
● Translation of large text files (up to 5,000,000 characters).
● Support for common text file formats (.html, .pdf, .doc, .rtf, .txt).
● Scalability of performance based on the volume of input data.
● Integration with third-party solutions.
● Flexible adaptation to customer requirements.

Text analytics

Automatic processing of large volumes of text files and selection of messages of interest. Comprehensive analytical processing of the obtained data is carried out based on a set of specific criteria, including language identification, content summarization, semantic comparison, metadata classification, text sentiment analysis, thematic selection, optical character recognition of scanned text, and conversion into an acceptable format for machine processing.

● Scalability of performance based on the volume of input audio data.
● Integration with third-party solutions.
● Flexible adaptation to customer requirements.
● Language identification - 170 languages.
● Semantic comparison of words - 92 languages.
● Thematic selection.
● Categorization.
● Entity extraction (objects, individuals, etc.).
● Text sentiment analysis.
● Relationship analysis.

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